Daghlig Garabagh and adjacent administrative regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan – Lachin, Kelbajar, Gubadli, Zangilan, Jebrayil, Agdam (regional center and a large part of the territory) and Fizuli (regional center and a large part of the territory) were occupied by Armenia from 1989 to 1993. At present, Armenians transgressed a total of 558 km of the state border – the 198 km Azerbaijani-Iranian border from Horadiz settlement of the Fizuli region to the borders of the Zangilan region, and 360 km…
The absence of information about the current ecological situation in the occupied lands creates great obstacles. Armenians hide the real ecological state of these areas and, therefore, it is possible to express only general views on the matter. It’s well-known that all the natural elements of the region closely interact with each other and changes in one of the elements will transfer to others. The districts Kelbadjar, Lachyn, Qubadly, Zengilan, Djebrayil, Fizuli and Aghdam surrounding the occupied Daghlig…
The entire Azeri population of 250,000 was forced to leave 22 regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan and set their hopes on Azerbaijan at the first stages of the conflict in 1988-1989. In the process of uring these resettlement years 410 Azeri people were subjected to tortures by the Armenians executioners, including 57 women, 23 children who were brutally killed, received different physical injuries, and their houses and properties were ransacked. In total, 9 thousands sq. km. of the territory where Azerbaijanians…
The decree concerning the development of productive forces in the mountainous regions, including Daghlig Garabagh autonomous area was passed before the beginning Daghlig Garabagh conflict. There were intensive construction works going on in Daghlig Garabagh and the occupied regions at time of the beginning of the conflict. Large-scale enterprises were opened and new machinery and transport vehicles were delivered to the area. Large enterprises producing building materials and marble factory were also built in…
The occupied areas of Daghlig Garabagh represented a large agricultural region within Azerbaijan. Suitable intermountain and foothill plains, plateaus and the occupied parts of the Minor Caucasus create the favorable conditions for development of plant-growing and cattle-breading fields. Grain-growing, fodder production, vine-growing, tobacco-growing, potato-growing, cotton-growing, dairy farming and meat farming, particularly sheep-breeding dominated in the agriculture. Attention to vine-growing field of the…
The conversations with Azerbaijan citizens, returned from the Armenian captivity, in the State Commission on prisoners of war, hostages and missings revealed that vandalism acts were committed by Armenians in the occupied Daghlig Garabagh and other adjacent regions, the houses were looted and burned, historical monuments, particularly cemeteries were destroyed. Labor of prisoners of war and hostages was used in looting of the occupied Azerbaijan regions, as well as destroying of houses, monuments,…